Thursday, September 23, 2010

My place

Falling asleep and waking up. Two moments so raw with deeper feelings that they almost seem to define me.

What dances through my unconscious as I finally lose control of my attention?

Who am I in the grand scheme?

I want to keep away the blahs. I hate the blahs. I hate the blahs. Tazor me and throw me off a bridge. Introduce me to a gorgeous woman and wrestle me into submission.

I wasn't meant to live like this. I was meant to fight for survival and sexual partners.

I probably would have been a beta male and then killed the alpha at a timely moment.

I would have been a great cavedweller cause I am smart. I would have led great hunts and the women would have fought for my attention.

I would wear the big bear fur and the shark-tooth necklace.

I would yell at my friends, but never at my children.

I would have kept the group safe and informed.