Friday, March 30, 2012

me and my beliefs

Let go of your expectations and your pressing concerns

if only for one minute

Enjoy this brief flurry of alien thoughts

as long as you can

Try to recognize you inside you and try to free yourself from yourself

if only for another 20 seconds

Try to pretend you are a Martian (even though they dont exist) who understands English mechanically, not emotionally

Be martian so that I can relay this interplanatary message

___----beep beep, incoming MESSage from planet UR-tH---___

"Believing something doesn't make it true"

___beep beep-----__"""""end TRANSMISSION---___---------

Now return to yourself. Return to everything that comforts you and empowers you to face the chaotic world you live in.

Cling to your beliefs. Hold on till the end!

Monday, March 5, 2012

the battle

so we start the clock

of my patience and your patience

of my spirit and your ears

My mind is incredibly fucked up
And it is most apparent in my thoughts

If you could capture my thoughts on the big screen.

Clockwork nightmares. Regrets buried beneath oceans of shame.

Torrential rains that I caused.

Playgrounds of happiness demolished. Memories of simple joy set on fire by me.

I am standing in front of ten thousand clones of myself.

They are all giving me that look. They are all angry. And they are all me.

I have no idea what is gonna happen.