Friday, September 17, 2010

boy meets world

Love! That is a big thing, it is a big part of life

It's the subject of half the songs, and half the movies...

But stop quantifying it, stop making movies! Stop tipifying the experience.

It is not about the feeling, it is about the girl.

It is the human condition, but it is an individual experience. And she IS special.

Don't tell me what I'm feeling, because the chances are I know and you are just being too realistic.

"why be realistic?"

Don't deny me this energy, this reawakened passion for life

I don't want marraige....I want her

I am not afraid of failing, of being hurt. I am not afraid of making bad jokes, embarrassing myself, meeting her boyrfriend.

I am not afraid of being cheesy, bring on the cheese

bring it all on

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