Friday, January 28, 2011

A long way to go

I have such a distance to travel
And so many distractions waiting for me
I have an ego that needs taming
it's me. It's Michael Herold. Dreams of grandure.
Don't stop michael. Don't stop trying, don't stop thinking
I am proud of me and who me be.
I am proud to know the city of Los Angeles
Proud to know Mathew Joseph Herold since he was a wee lad
Proud to return to Europe in 2012 and proud of where I am

This galactic journey is and will always be a journey of ME.
And for you it is a journey of ME all the same
What an awesome journey
What a fantastic voyage

My 12th grade AP english teacher kept using the word "cliche"
Fuck that word. I am cliche till I die and proud to be cliche, whatever, fuck you Ms. Rosenbotthom
I left your class and I am better for it
Better off the way I am. Proud to be me.
But still open to the possibility that I am wrong in this.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It suits us

We like the United States. We love the United States.
We love the idea that you can be rich and successful and buy nice things.
That you can hustle and struggle and push and claw your way to the top.

And that the peasants have to watch you and admire you.
And the peasants have to respect you: It's America

That's what America is and what the world is becoming: The money game.

But it has long surpassed being merely a game. It is as much a game as war. In fact wars are fought for money these days. Money is our reason to wake up and our reason to get married and our reason to like ourselves and our reason to like our country and our reason to live.

That is what I believe. Money is what we live for.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Running steady, fast,
sweat bothers me
not as much these days
it dries
cool air runs over my
i see 10 feet

multiple other places i could be at this moment:
europe, on a porch, by candle, drinking a hefeweizen, with friends
rocky mountains, under a cold dark star sky
at my grandparents- staying up late talking with Mema, my mom, my dad
on the road
in Austin, endless opportunities, good food, thinking people
watching soccer
playing soccer
on the road
in Israel
in a movie theater

but i'm here,
running uphill
in ambiguity.

do i want to escape
am i an escapist?


i want this. cold, fast, hard, sweat, run, i mean business, i am human, i will do something for the first time today, i have never done this before, i don't know the result but i'm willing to try, so help me God,

i keep running

Friday, January 7, 2011

my my

my life is catatonic
i'm as numb as the song says i am
but not comfortable

my sex life is capricious
like watching two jellyfish collide
in a tank of water

my job lacks catharsis
i want to change the world not
service the mundane

my emotions are cacophonic
like a pile-up on the freeway
that only interferes

my philosophy is callous
i despise everyone and everything
myself most of all

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Food Year

I operate out of dissatisfaction
And I am not satisfied, but why should I be

This year I am not going to listen to people
And people will not need to listen to me

Lips zipped, gaze straight ahead
this year is already different, will be

I didnt change overnight
But the calendar shift is the nudge, reminder, poke i needed

I have my resolutions

So while I listen to a british girl talk to her mom about food, food and food....I am above this culture of indulgence. I am above the temporary