Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The United states is easy to nail down. We dream of being rich. We consume beyond our means. We put the individual above the family. We drive everywhere, we eat at chain restaurants, and we always keep the conversation politically correct.

We have no identity because we dont hold to any traditions except HallMark.

The goal of the United States is not to be happy, it is to be better.

Oddly, much of the world admires our relentless hunger for more, meanwhile they have settled for rice and soup for dinner, lukewarm showers, overcrowded buses, utlra-repetitive jobs, and an adopted stupidity or stubborness on religious topics.

The United States of Money. The united states is organized and structured to be wealthy. The world ECONOMY is a disguise... we should call it the GREED STRUCTURE... and when the GREED STRUCTURE weakens, I smile. Why have we decided to turn the world into a monopoly board game? We need to spread the resources around. Hot water for you, chicken for you, and no more yachts for you....

We have a surplus of food, but a lack of public housing, We have billionaires, but homeless people.. we have it all backwards

the United States is the biggest promoter of money.

money is worthless

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