Thursday, August 18, 2011

Heavy Branches

I helped chop down the tree
its branches were magnificent
vibrating with sap
I felt it shudder under our axes
we did it as a family.

The tree used to sing to me at night
rustling its leaves and waving its branches
the tree was so tall,
that now there is lumber all around
it reaches past the bounds of our yard.

I went out alone and burned as much as I could
screaming into the fire,
in the morning the soles of my feet were black
from wandering in the ashes

But the load hadn't lightened.

It's been some time now.
lately I've been stacking the wood
in a shed near our home
I go out everyday and make orderly piles
and I haven't rekindled anything lately
I don't want to hear the sap hissing anymore.


  1. That was heavy and sad. What a ritual for a family. Great work. Thanks for sharing.

    To note, for all previous Jujamist members, I've invited a few new additions to spice things up. We'll be contributing freewrites and poetry.

  2. a good story and evoking of strong images. thansk cecilia. I am glad you spiced things up Jared. Its good to have some proper poets on here.

  3. Interesting metaphor. I'm curious, why the choice to stack wood? To me it seems like a hopeless endeavor and an act of succumbing to something, perhaps nostalgia or guilt, as an act of penance? I would think it better to plant a new tree. Trees will grow out of deadwood; it is actually a rather marvelous process. Actually, I would advocate either extreme over the middle ground; either burn it all up or plant something new--the stacking of the wood to me just seems to symbolize a paralyzed and futile state.

  4. I believe that's the intention, to express the paralysis and resignation of the act. An act of penance, as you said. For me, it's from that image that I draw the inspiration to act differently, and maybe that therefore speaks to its efficaciousness. Or maybe it reflects the mood of the writer, who may be in a solemn or mournfully nostalgic state.

  5. That is an excellent point. It definitely does inspire like you said. I wasn't really trying to criticize so much as just satisfy my curiosity. :)

  6. what Jared said for sure. seeing others paralyzed in old habits and resignation makes me want to change to.
