And so many distractions waiting for me
I have an ego that needs taming
it's me. It's Michael Herold. Dreams of grandure.
Don't stop michael. Don't stop trying, don't stop thinking
I am proud of me and who me be.
I am proud to know the city of Los Angeles
Proud to know Mathew Joseph Herold since he was a wee lad
Proud to know Mathew Joseph Herold since he was a wee lad
Proud to return to Europe in 2012 and proud of where I am
This galactic journey is and will always be a journey of ME.
And for you it is a journey of ME all the same
What an awesome journey
What a fantastic voyage
My 12th grade AP english teacher kept using the word "cliche"
Fuck that word. I am cliche till I die and proud to be cliche, whatever, fuck you Ms. Rosenbotthom
I left your class and I am better for it
Better off the way I am. Proud to be me.
But still open to the possibility that I am wrong in this.