Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Slight anxiety...fuck
At first it is just unsettling
"I am not going away" it says

It is your brain talking to you

"How dare my brain turn against me?" you say
But it does
It is your split personality
The little devil on your other shoulder

Just like in the sitcoms, but there is no laugh track
This little devil knows your dark past and your bleak future

"What's the point?" it seems to say
And even though your answer is well-rehearsed, the devil is persuasive
The devil will gain momentum if you don't take massive action
And you don't

You've been succesfully beseiged
The storm troopers have taken their positions

Darth evil gives his orders:
"Halt Stop everything"
"Consider your failures"
"Consider the futility of it all"
"Retreat from life"
"Commence galactic self-destruction"

Star wars may be a good time
But darth devil is not a villain
He is the nightmare.
That very real possibility that we won't see our fairy tell ending.


  1. what you describe in this poem so eloquently is something that happened in my brain over the past few hours. you are right on.
    there is something trying to keep us, saying "stop, retreat from life, consider your failures."
    So well put!!

