Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This Selfish World

Lets stop denying it.

Lets stop lying to ourselves.

We are selfish creatures. People are, and always have been.

Quite easily 99.5% of people 99.5% of the time are selfish, self-driven, self-obsessed.

Where am I i, how do I look, how much is in my bank account....... we know no other way to view the world.

Where do I sleep, what do I want, how hungry am I, is there some for me?

What will I do tomorrow, what should I say....

So obvious, yet not acknowledged enough.

How can we begin to help strangers if every minute is dedicated to protecting self-interest. Here is a dollar mr. smellsbad, now get away from me.

Who is to blame? NO ONE.

This is sadly us, and there is sadly no changing how humans operate.

But there is deception. Gambling is a perfect example. The house is raking in the dough, but the people keep coming.

Charity casinos?!!!????!!!! NOOOOOOO

But we must trick people to help out of their own self-interest.

This is how the world will change. Not by changing people, but by redirecting them.

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