Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saying Goodbye Sucks

The world
Smaller than it was before
But big enough to forget
That time we spent

Slow enough to sit back and reflect
Fast enough to absorb your attention
Safe enough to confide
That even good things sometimes subside

Saying goodbye makes people want to grasp
For a sense of control
In things they think will last

But to move on, you have to let go
The world keeps turning, soon you'll know
Flow the time, over years and seasons
At the end you'll realize reasons

Joys shared make it hard to change
But without change there is no intention
And you live life in a stream of inertia
Never knowing what could have been

Saying Goodbye
It sucks because
It implies a value judgement where none exists
Like you weren't good enough to stay for
But take a step back

Slow enough to sit back and reflect
Fast enough to absorb your attention
Safe enough to confide
That eternal things forever will abide

No distance topples stones stacked in faith
No time swallows years and weeks and months
Some of the things we did were great
Now I'm moving on for a different fate

So send me out
Into unknown
Adventure is calling me home
Goodbye for now but never can we know
What future winds of change will blow

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