Friday, June 11, 2010


a small spot
rather small
I can't tell

You know, I don't know
In theory, in practice
Engineer me an apple that I feel safe eating

CNN exclusive
World Cup, The Finals,
Marketing tendencies

Successes and blunders
Sports and business

Jesus our Savior
Mohammed our prophet
KFC our dinner
Biscuits and Buckets

In Denial
Prepare the Palestinians for statehood
Two trombones sound better than that cow bell
Trip the alarm and frame the enemy

Would you like a triple chocolate meltdown?
Your problems stand here on the ladder of personal problems
Do you sell collectible souvenir cups?

How much would you pay?
Would you really pay that?
Thanks, sorry, excuse me
Smoke a cigar

Volunteers but donations are better
Really, donations
Donations, really, donations

Ignore that
I do ignore it

I have forgotten what it was like to be me
How bad is it?
It depends
Sorry I asked

Apologize to yourself so that you can go to bed
Hit the light

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