Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Same old

Tired of the same ol'
Rolling your eyes at the same ol'

I repeat ad infinitum, don't mess up my flow
Here I go...
The car won't start
I'm used to this

Get the jumper blahs
Positive one goes here blah
Problem solved blah

I take the 405 because it's faster than a unicycle
Sometimes there's traffic but I have no choice
I like the 405, I like risking my life for no reason
Makes me feel important

Sometimes I race the old lady in the slow lane and give her the finger
It adds some drama to her life, confirms everything she believes, gets her going
What gets me going?
Selfish careerism

Gold stars and trophy awards. Certificate of excellence in life and me.

I'm back on track
Track 1: get comfortable
Track 2: get ticked off
Track 3: write on Jujamist
Track 4: light myself on fire using the stove and some paper towels

Caso cerrado