Sunday, May 2, 2010


you guys are cool
we sit in one area of grass and talk microfinance
move to another area of grass and talk TFA
we move to the hotsprings and talk about how wierd that dude with the CIA-conspiracy theory was
we throw frisbees at jared's legs, laugh that we are 24 almost 25 and still having a good time together
i am thankful that we still hang out, that we still talk for hours about the existence of God
that we think about where we will be in 5 years time.
maybe we'll be married
maybe we'll be at Kern again celebrating another birthday.
in 5 years, it will be my 30th. hmmmmm
that's old.
but not too old and we'll still conversate for hours
and Mike will say the most ridiculous stuff
and my tent will fly away
and Justin will make some killer steaks and drink a lot of beer
Jared will jump into a tree with his torso
and we'll talk about where we'll be in 5 years time.